Thursday, August 24, 2017

TeamPSIC Blog Thursday.... adaptability

Sports Investors,

A nice day for us yesterday 2 wins and 1 loss but when your average odds are + 130,  2-1 is a very good thing.

That brings me to the subject of adaptability do you know that one of the single biggest reasons that Sports investors fail is lack of adaptability? I mean of course you have to be able to pick some winners and more importantly than picking winners, you have to be able to manage your money.  However, looking at MLB, what worked for you in April will not necessarily work for you in August and September. The Dynamics of the game change over the course of the season.

The first thing you have to deal with is the weather. Early in the season in the north and Northeast it's kind of chilly. Sometimes that leads to a little bit less offense but then the winds shift from the south as we move into the hot summer months and as we've learned this year, baseballs are flying out and runs are being scored at record pace.

If the weather isn't a factor, The rosters are. It seems like in Major League Baseball rosters are forever changing then you throw in the trade deadline and you have a whole other set of factors to deal with. Your first instinct would be to bet against those teams who are waving the white flag and trading away all of what appear to be their assets. however then you quickly fine that some teams just play better with no pressure. This young group of nobody's with nothing to prove all the sudden find a way to win five or six out of every 10 games usually at very nice prices

Finally late in the season there are the minor league call UPS. The rosters expand, the bullpens expand and everybody has their own unique take on how to handle it.  some managers will
Use those minor league call-ups as often as they can to get them any experience they can for the future.  Other managers would rather cut their left arm off then use some of the pictures they've been given.

And all of this back and forth the main thing I want you to take away is the ability to be adaptable. Major League Baseball draws out a bunch of system players. There are many many of systems for Major League Baseball but none of them are foolproof.  If you're a system player, I urged you think differently this time of the year may not be very good for your system be smart enough to adapt or walk away and just wait for the start of football season. There's no penalty for taking a few weeks off. 

Keep Good Records and have the guts to analyze your wins as well as your own losses.  Break it down month by month find out what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong. Keep the things that are working and adapt to those that are not.

Let's see if we can get you a few more late summer barking dogs.  3 morel


Phillies +140
White Sox +160




To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinson 

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