Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Platinum Sports Investing Blog - Tuesday

Ok, hopefully I have this down now where it will get emailed AFTER I update.

Philadelphia / San Fran OVER 9.5......Both teams should get into the pen early...
that almost always equals and OVER.

Summer Value Plays (3-3)

To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinson

Friday, April 23, 2010

Platinum Sports Investing Blog - Friday

I know the blog has been sending emails out a day late....actually I moved up the
email time from 3pm eastern to 11am eastern but I'm not sure what the cut off
is for me to update and have it email the right thing so this will be kind of a test.

Thanks for the emails about Ultimate MLB as we had a real nice night on
System #5 ..hitting underdogs of +190, +165, and +140 picking up almost
5 units yesterday.   This is the last time I'll post this since the site is now active
and ULTIMATE MLB is available at:  http://www.ssbwins.com/

Ok let's go for Friday

Boston -1.5 -105.....Until Baltimore proves something we have to take this
line here with Boston at home

Summer Value Plays (2-2)

To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinson

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Platinum Sports Investing Blog - Wednesday

Another nice winner for us yesterday let's see if we can keep the streak going.

1. Florida -145.....Houston got their 1 home win out of the way.  Now it's time
to return to being one of the league's worst teams

To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinson


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Platinum Sports Investing Blog - Tuesday

A nice day for those of you who purchased ultimate MLB yesterday
and our value play of the day was a winner as well....

(Value Plays 1-1)

1. Colorado -135.....Though not exactly a road power, the rockies should be
able to find their way into the nationals bullpen today which means big trouble for

To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinson

Monday, April 19, 2010

Platinum Sports Investing Blog - Monday

Hello Everyone,

It's good to be back.   First, I received quite a few emails about ULTIMATE MLB
so here are a few of the FAQ's

1. Why put this book out if the systems work?   Good question.  Last year (2009) I received
802 emails from people who had been burned by other handicapping services and just wanted
to know if certain systems would work.....over and over people would email me asking me what
worked so I decided that each time I tested something and it worked I would decide if it was able
to incorporate into PSIC...if not I would hold on to it.

2. How much is it going to cost?   It price is $199.  If you have recently purchased John's MLB Gold you will get a $100 credit for that.

3. Are the systems you use for PSIC in the book?   NO.  It wouldn't be fair to my very loyal
clients if I were to give out in a book with a one time charge the same things that many of
these guys and gals have been with me for 7-10 years.

4. How far back are the systems tested?   At least 3 years.

5. Is there a daily email?   Yes...it will be an email alert when there are
qualifying plays. 

6. Should I play all the systems?     I dont' know what your bankroll is like but
the book is designed to be a resource for you each MLB season.   You can play
them all or pick the ones that you feel would fit  your personality best.

7. When can I get it?    It should be available later today (Monday) 4.19.2010

Ok on to todays value play...

1. LA Angels -166.....This line isn't a huge value but I and many others in Vegas consider
                                  Dontrelle Willis to be an automatic fade until he proves otherwise.

Value Plays (0-1)

To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinson

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Platinum Sports Investing Blog - Sunday


I'm sorry this didn't get updated on time....I have no internet as I'm waiting for the
guy to show up.  Doing this from my phone I haven't had time to properly prepare
for the games today so no plays and I'll update the blog with info about
ULTIMATE MLB as soon as I can

To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinson

Friday, April 16, 2010

Platinum Sports Investing Blog Saturday

 Were BACK in action on the Platinum Sports Investing Blog.

I'm sorry that it took me so long to figure out what to do on here but
I've been busy.

First, I have to take my clients into consideration and it's not fair
to post here for free what they are paying for and I know all of
you can understand that.   Several of you have emailed about
becoming PSIC members and there are still 2 or 3 annual spots
available so email me for details.

Also, I've been putting together a book called Ultimate MLB.  This
is a book that contains 7 TESTED and PROVEN systems for MLB
This book will also contain the 3 systems from my very good friend
John Burcheri so anyone who purchased that and are interested in
Ultimate MLB just email me as you'll be given credit for your MLB
Gold Purchase.

I'm very excited to put together something really comprehensive so
many of you can stop wasting all your time trying to get all these
different angles from all the different forums and hearing about this
and that.   You follow some hot thread and then it blows up in your face
and costs you your bankroll.

 Ultimate MLB is all you'll ever need to make big money
every summer.    All systems have been proven and tested for 3-5 years
back.   It will be available some time today or tomorrow at:

Now for the blog.   Many people have requested that I do the "sweep chase"
on here with my filters and 2 line Labourchere and I still may do that when
the time comes but what I'm going to do on here is try to present you with
the best VALUE of the day.   It may be a total or a side or runline but
something that will be a good value and we'll keep a 2 line labourchere
because sometimes we may follow a  certain play for up to 2 games.

Let's make some money!

Todays Recommendation - Philadelphia Phillies -110....Even though Moyer
is about 700 years old and can be carbon dated.....he has owned the Marlins
for some reason.   That aside, no matter who's pitching if you're going to give
me one of the top teams in the NL at -110 at home....I"M TAKING IT!

Summer MLB Labourchere

Line 1: 10-10-10-10
Line 2: 10-10-10-10

On line 1 risk 22 to win 20 on Philadelphia Phillies -110

To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinson


Here are our final NHL numbers

NHL 2009 - 2010 Puckline Version ( +105.7 Units @ Season beginning base)

Starting 11/01/2009 - NHL 2009 - 2010 Moneyline Version
(+ 120.8 Units @ Season Beginning Base)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Platinum Sports Investing Blog - Thursday

Hello Everyone,

I first want to take the opportunity to thank all of you who have followed this blog
all NHL season.  I hope everyone padded their bankroll.   I am going to post
something for MLB but I'm not 100% sure which.   I've had a lot of requests
to do the "sweep chase" with the 2 line labourchere so I'm giving that some
strong consideration but  most likely within the next week or so MLB will start
on this blog.

Here are our final NHL numbers

NHL 2009 - 2010 Puckline Version ( +105.7 Units @ Season beginning base)

Starting 11/01/2009 - NHL 2009 - 2010 Moneyline Version
(+ 120.8 Units @ Season Beginning Base)

To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinson

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Platinum Sports Investing Blog - Sunday

Happy Easter Sunday to those of you who celebrate this day.

Split yesterday....One play today...

NHL 2009 - 2010 Puckline Version ( +123.7 Units @ Season beginning base)

Line 1 :95-140-140-150-165
Line 2 :X-95-100-100-140-140-140-140-165-X

On line 1 risk 390 to win 260 on Minnesota +1.5 -150

Starting 11/01/2009 - NHL 2009 - 2010 Moneyline Version
(+ 128.1 Units @ Season Beginning Base)

Line 1: 60-60-60-85-85
Line 2: X-50-50-55-55-60-65-70-X-X-X

On line 1 risk 145 to win 290  on Minnesota +200

To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinson

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Platinum Sports Investing Blog - Saturday

San Jose got the job done for us.....today we have 2 more plays.

NHL 2009 - 2010 Puckline Version ( +128.7 Units @ Season beginning base)

Line 1 :X-X-95-95-140-140-150-150
Line 2 :X-95-100-100-140-140-140-140-X-X

On line 1 risk 330 to win 255 on Ottawa -130
On line 1 risk 739 to win 255 on New Jersey +1.5 -290

Starting 11/01/2009 - NHL 2009 - 2010 Moneyline Version
(+ 129.3 Units @ Season Beginning Base)

Line 1: 60-60-60-85-85
Line 2: X-50-50-55-55-60-65-70-X-X-X

On line 1 risk 185 to win 145 on Ottawa -130
On line 1 risk 145 to win 160 on New Jersey +110

To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinson

Friday, April 2, 2010

Platinum Sports Investing Blog - Friday

Ok, we're back with one play.....

NHL 2009 - 2010 Puckline Version ( +116.2 Units @ Season beginning base)

Line 1 :X-X-95-95-140-140-150-150
Line 2 :95-95-100-100-140-140-140-140-160-X

On line 2 bet to win 255 on San Jose.  Take +1.5 goals if they are the underdog

Starting 11/01/2009 - NHL 2009 - 2010 Moneyline Version
(+ 123.3 Units @ Season Beginning Base)

Line 1: 60-60-60-85-85
Line 2: 40-50-50-55-55-60-65-70-80-X-X

On line 2 bet to win 120 on San Jose

To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinson

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Platinum Sports Investing Blog - Thursday

another split.....with only 4 or 5 plays left we'll hopefully finish
strong.   No plays today.

NHL 2009 - 2010 Puckline Version ( +116.2 Units @ Season beginning base)

Line 1 :X-X-95-95-140-140-150-150
Line 2 :95-95-100-100-140-140-140-140-160-X

Today we have no plays

Starting 11/01/2009 - NHL 2009 - 2010 Moneyline Version
(+ 123.3 Units @ Season Beginning Base)

Line 1: 60-60-60-85-85
Line 2: 40-50-50-55-55-60-65-70-80-X-X

Today we have no plays

To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinson