Wednesday, April 26, 2017

TeamPSIC Blog ..The biggest issue with sports handicappers

Sports Investors, We put an entire NCAA basketball season on this very blog in an effort to help you not only win money but feel comfortable using TeamPSIC as a service to help you make money. For those of you who've been on the fence about joining, I've selected a handful of you to have the opportunity at a lifetime membership. Additionally, I've provided some excellent deals to help you further feel good about becoming a member. However, If you are serious about making money I have a feeling you're going to appreciate what I'm saying. The biggest issue with sports handicappers is that they are always trying to SELL you a GAME! My name is Tod Wilkinson. I am the founder of Platinum Sports Investing Club...also known as @TeamPSIC. What I'm going to show you, if you like making money, will truly change your life and that's not over hype. For 12 years I have provided a service that is different from almost anything else out there. First and foremost is because I'm actually playing the games that I give out. I don't make a profit from this service, but rather make my money playing the games. I don't like to lose but more importantly I want to make money and want all of my members to make money. Our philosophy is very different. Let's do a math exercise and I'll show you how TeamPSIC looks at Sports Investing. My biggest challenge is to get you to FORGET EVERYTHING YOU'VE HEARD FROM THE "SCAMDICAPPERS" that pollute this business. Answer this. If you have a 401k can you ever imagine DOUBLING your money in a 40lk 2 times in a calendar year? Hell no, you're thrilled with 5% growth right? At TeamPSIC, our goal is to safely double your bankroll 2 times each year. That's no B.S. and we do it most years. So imagine if you start with $1.000 and double your money 2 times each year for 5 years. Guess what? You're a millionaire! Do the math. Even if you can only focus for 2 years, you're $1000 will be $16,000 and that's not so bad is it? Do you think the $1000 in your 401k or stock portfolio could be $1,000,000 in 5 years. UMMM NO! Well Tod if it's so easy why doesn't everyone do it? Good Question. The biggest problems are emotion and bad information. That's what makes TeamPSIC different from the rest. I don't care about any team. I have no emotion whatsoever when I watch the games. I hate a bad beat like anyone but I just don't care. The game is over I move on. I don't allow those things to cloud my judgement for future games. The other issue is just unfortunate "scamdicapper" types who make you think that the game of the year is real. I worked 10 years in the casino sportsbook business. The game of the week, month, year, decade....all bullshit. Trying to get you to buy certainty in an uncertain world. Let's get back to your math proposal. I am currently in the middle of making the first group of documented sports investing millionaires. On my blog I have challenged my members to let go of their old way of thinking and look at sports as just an investment tool. The games are your stocks. We just buy and sell in situations that give us the best chance to have more money today than we did yesterday. On September 10th of 2016, the eve of the NFL season I let all members know that we had only one focus. Double our bankroll 2 times each year! To do that, we were going to focus and play ONLY the sports we are best at. We are not here to be everything to everyone. We are here to make money. Period...end of story. So what does it take to be successful? A little bit of money and someone who can guide you from point A to point B by picking winning situations and managing your money. That is where TeamPSIC comes in. I want to show you why I know I can give you the best chance at success. So why should you listen to me? Unlike 99% of the emails you probably receive, I'm not making up some phantom records. Our plays are documented so first lets check out the Platinum Sports Investing Blog That link will take you to the February 25th post. That was the end of our NCAA Hoops Season. At the beginning, early January I told everyone I was going to do 2 things. 1. Give the entire NCAA season for free on the blog. 2. Play the entire season and never bet a favorite yet have one of the best documented seasons. As you can see there are 3 ways you could have played our NCAA recommendations. Any way you play it, it was profitable. However, I told everyone the first halfs would be the most profitable and the recommended way to play. 68% DOCUMENTED WINNERS. One of the best seasons in any sport that was documented. The plays are in black and white each day for the world to see. NFL FOOTBALL (#2) the handicappers Watchdog (@teampsic) NFL Regular Season 22 - 13 (62.9%), +17.15 We were #2 in 2016 and 2015. Both years over 60% wins. NBA - This has been our best sport and for the last 3 season at the handicappers watchdog we have been #1. Documented. Our current season NBA Basketball 71 - 40 (64%), +52.1 I wanted to share this with you to prove I'm not some guy making up a record. On our website at: there are screen shots you can look at as well. Our website is not fancy, as we don't need a million dollar website to make millionaires. ONCE AGAIN, BACK TO THE MATH To do what I say I'm going to do for my members, that is make the first group of documented sports investing millionaires, you need to be able to pick winners...CHECK and you need to be able to help people manage their money...CHECK. Each day our members receive and email with EXACTLY what to play AND EXACTLY how much of your bankroll to play on it. Here is our email from Saturday. Notice each day we keep track of our bankroll +/-% and I let you know who to play and exactly what % of bankroll to use. ------------------------------- Hello team, We will follow up today with Tampa Bay TEAMPSIC MEMBER PLAYS +70% BET TO WIN: MLB 1.5% Tampa +105 NBA 1.5% No plays To your success, Tod Wilkinson ------------------------------------- So right now on our DRIVE TO 1,000,000 our bankroll stands at: $2,650 September 11 started our fiscal year and we began with $1000. We have doubled it one time and by the start of NFL 2017 I anticipate we will hit the $4000 mark which means we will have successfully doubled our bankroll 2 times in year 1. Just as I said we would. So what does all this mean to you? I would like to invite you to become a member of TeamPSIC and take a different approach that actually works without putting your whole bankroll at risk. I'm not going to offer some slap in the face free trial for 3 days or 7 days. That's not even close to representing our long term approach. By the way, you do realize how those free trials work with other "handicappers"? They pick a group of games and criss cross them with everyone who chooses to do the free trial. Some people will have the same games as you but many will have the OPPOSITE side of your games and different games all together. They just want to make sure that some people have a winning week and then they put on the full court press. I'm not doing that. I want people who are going to look at this as an investment. Every professional I've ever met from Billy Walters to John Patrick are simply choosing to use the games as a means to and end. If you come on board and follow this program you will be pleasantly stunned on how much money you begin to accumulate. YOUR BIGGEST PROBLEM IN 2 YEARS OR LESS IS GOING TO BE WHERE TO PLAY. What I would like to offer you is a great deal and for you to experience exactly how our program works...... CURRENT PRICING FOR TEAMPSIC $495 - ANNUAL PLAN $149 - MONTHLY PLAN If you are serious about making money using sports as your investment of choice, I'd like to offer you the following. I will give you every play and all the money management until the MLB 2017 All Star Break for just $79. OR I will give you every play, all money management until August 15th, 2017 for $99 OR Discounted Annual Plan - $395 So Tod, with the cheaper options, why would I get the annual plan now? THE PRICING IS GOING TO CHANGE DRAMATICALLY. ANNUAL PLAN - $1,295 NFL / NBA / NCAA HOOPS COMBO - $995 NFL ANNUAL PLAN ONLY - $495 I know you guys and gals are smart. If this makes any sense at all to you I'd urge you to go ahead and give us a try. I think any of the 3 options are a great value for what you get and I want to show you how enjoyable it is to INVEST in sports and not GAMBLE on them. YOURE NOT GOING TO MAKE A MILLION DOLLARS OVER NIGHT! However, if you follow our program you will make the kind of money in the next few years that NO INVESTMENT BROKER could ever touch. I really look forward to seeing a lot of you come on board as new members. @TeamPSIC there are no sales people. You have a question you email me and get a response from me. You can text or call me as well. I've put convenient links below for you to get started right away! FULL PROGRAM UNTIL MLB 2017 ALL STAR BREAK FULL PROGRAM UNTIL AUGUST 15TH 2017 Discounted Annual Plan - $395 To your success, Tod Wilkinson

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