Tuesday, October 1, 2013

NHL Season Is Up And Running....

Sports Investors,

Today, I have a surprise for you.  That's right, call your neighbors, tell your friends as Ole' uncle Tod has got some potentially good news for those of you who follow the blog.

If you look back at the post history, In the past I used the blog to test my methods that were intended for my paying clients but they needed some battle testing.  I like doing my battle tests here on the blog.   Probably 3 years back we made over 100 Units of profit in NHL right here on the blog.  One summer we made over 100 Units of profit as I tested my MLB value system.

Over the past 6 months I've developed what I believe to be 2 outstanding new additions to the PSIC program.  The first has proven over a 5 year span to hit 65-70% in NFL.  I started giving those plays to my clients this past weekend and the numbers held as we were 4-1 on those plays.  The other program I've developed is an UNDERDOG methodology for NHL.  Everything looks great on paper but it needs to be battle tested and that's where you guys all, hopefully, get to benefit.

I'm going to post my plays for the new NHL UNDERDOG program for free this season right here on the blog.  I will also include money management as well and I hope it goes as well for all of you as it appears to in testing.

FAQ #1....Will you be posting the NFL picks on the blog.  Um, that is a BIG NO.  That you're going to have to pay for but hopefully this blog will give some of you an opportunity to see what we're all about.

So without further ado lets get started......


10/2/2013 - Risk 1% ($10) on:

Toronto Maple Leafs +115
Anahiem Mighty Ducks +105

To your success,

Tod Wilkinson

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