Monday, December 16, 2013

Platinum Sports Investing Special Announcement

Hello sports investors,


My website, in its current format is coming down.   I am no longer taking on any new clients.
However, those of  you who are on this list, are former clients, or  have been registered on the website and who may be interested in what programs will be available, you WILL have that opportunity.
Just shoot me an email and we will discuss different service options

I own the domain and will be replacing the website with something very simple and somewhere that existing members can go and renew their subscriptions.

I will maintain a waiting list an go in order of those on it for various programs.  In light of some of my more recent discoveries, its a shame to have to close of the program because it will be better than ever.  However, it's the ONLY way I can ensure that current members get the very best information.

I never have and have no interest in making money selling subscriptions.  I want to make my money playing the horses and games.  The cost of good information has become a drain on my personal bankroll as it far exceeds the amount of money raised on subscriptions.

I've recently worked with one of my long time research partners and have develped a method for NBA sports investing that will translate to other sports and be a GAME CHANGER!!

To ensure it doesn't get passed around in forums, I'm pulling everything back and keeping it in house to those I know to make sure the the Platinum Sports Investing Horse and Sports Clients make more money than ANY other program that is available at ANY price.


1. Those of you who have been on the fence or former clients if you want a spot on the inside, contact me about your options.

2. Those of you who are not interested at this time, no problem.  If you'd like to be on the waiting list you can email me for that as well but I can't promise you of any time frame you might have an opportunity to get in the program.

Thanks for your attention and look for the new Platinumsportsinvesting website to come up shortly after Christmas.  

To your success,

Tod Wilkinson

PS: Once things get changed over, I will continue to work with the blog.

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