Friday, January 20, 2017

TeamPSIC Blog Friday NCAA

Sports Investors,

Anytime you have a high-volume type of day honestly you're just hope to get out of it in one piece and we did better than that yesterday going for and to sew a nice solid day.

Guys and gals if you like what you see on this blog there's never been a better time to get your platinum Sports investing membership started. There is no better value anywhere.

Here is today's college basketball. Let's finish the week strong remember we do not play on the weekends

TeamPSIC NCAA Basketball (18-10) +7.1 units

Youngstown State +12
Detroit +7

TeamPSIC NCAA Basketball 1st Half (20-8) +11.2 units

Youngstown State +6.5
Detroit +4

TeamPSIC NCAA Basketball Money line
Test. (6-22) +1 units

Youngstown State +875
Detroit +325

To your success,

Tod Wilkinson

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