Goodbye NBA it was nick knowing you!
Some things never cease to amaze me. Lets
take a look at how things are going in the
real world.
The stock market is about as safe as a ponzi
scheme, the housing market is in free fall,
there are more forclosures than ever, and
the unemployment rate is about as high as
it's been in my lifetime.
So with everyone hurting and everyone having to
make sacrifices it is only fitting that the NBA
players union refuses to accept a 50/50 split of
I get it that they were getting 57% and I hear dumb
ass talk show hosts ( Van Pelt and Recillo) and the
players union acting like its impossible to imagine
going backwards on the revenue split. Really?
Then tell that to my parents who had a house worth
$300,000 5 years ago and it's worth about 175k today
Should they just tell the realtor.."Sorry, I won't accept
175k because it was worth $300k?
Life doesn't work work that way...At all. And it's really
starting to piss me off to no end when I hear the players
and other act like they are somehow immune to whats
happening in the world. YES they make a shit ton of
money and they DON"T FEEL the effects of the economy.
Actually, for many of them this economy is great. They
can buy houses for cheap and really set themselves up
for life.
As for the owners, less people can afford to attend and for
80% of the francishes the difference between 57% and 50% is
the ability to keep your team viable.
THEY GET IT! The NFLPA and the owners eventually said
you know what....a lot of our fans are hurting, lets just
stop fighting over minutia and get back on the field.
The NFL could have not played the whole season and come back
nearly as popular. They didn't because they're smart.
The NBA players are living in a dream world and I'm here
to BEG the owners to make them sit out the whole year.
Don't get me wrong, I have 200+ units of profit just waiting
for the NBA to start so from that perspective of course
I want the league. But I'm so sick of the players gross
failure to understand the reality by which we live that
I badly want the owners to pull the plug for the whole year.
That is whats needed and it will do the trick. Yes 10% of
the players probably could go years without a payday but the
other 90% will feel the squeeze BIG TIME.
Memo to Bryant Gumble...YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE! To bring the
race card and even the slavery reference into a situation
is such an insult to all those people and families who
suffered at the hands of slavery. Bryant Gumble you've been
swinging from the corporate nipple for 20 years and you've
made more money than most.
EVEN Charles Barkley thinks Gumble is an asshole. That just
is the perfect topper to the whole thing. Poor millionaire
The NBA is not the NFL and it's amazing how the NBAPA
over estimates it's popularity. It wasn't too long ago
that the NBA finals were on TAPE DELAY. A year off will
certainly turn off the fans and set the league back years.
We to go players. Maybe you should be forced to go to
3 years of college. Then you'd be able to understand that
the economy is in the tank and NOBODY cares about the
plight of the poor NBA player. Go work at McDonalds to
make ends meet, go pick up change at a car wash, go
see what it's like for the rest of the world and then
tell me that 50%/50% doesn't sound like a deal.
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