Sunday, February 20, 2011

Platinum Sports Investing Blog - Sunday

Hello Everyone,

I'm sorry I haven't been posting much. The problem is that
the NHL totals program last year was...well dog shit after
the all-star break so I'd rather have you all take your +15 units
or whatever our units are at than give it back.

I'm doing some experimenting, although late in the NCAA basketball
season but I'll post these plays here......I'm literally only betting
10 bucks each...I need a few more days to make it solid but for
the purposes of everyone being able to laugh when they all go
down in are todays qualifiers.

Purdue -1
Mia florida -1
California -1
Penn State +12
St Bonnies +10
Duke -20.5

To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinsin

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