Monday, April 19, 2010

Platinum Sports Investing Blog - Monday

Hello Everyone,

It's good to be back.   First, I received quite a few emails about ULTIMATE MLB
so here are a few of the FAQ's

1. Why put this book out if the systems work?   Good question.  Last year (2009) I received
802 emails from people who had been burned by other handicapping services and just wanted
to know if certain systems would work.....over and over people would email me asking me what
worked so I decided that each time I tested something and it worked I would decide if it was able
to incorporate into PSIC...if not I would hold on to it.

2. How much is it going to cost?   It price is $199.  If you have recently purchased John's MLB Gold you will get a $100 credit for that.

3. Are the systems you use for PSIC in the book?   NO.  It wouldn't be fair to my very loyal
clients if I were to give out in a book with a one time charge the same things that many of
these guys and gals have been with me for 7-10 years.

4. How far back are the systems tested?   At least 3 years.

5. Is there a daily email? will be an email alert when there are
qualifying plays. 

6. Should I play all the systems?     I dont' know what your bankroll is like but
the book is designed to be a resource for you each MLB season.   You can play
them all or pick the ones that you feel would fit  your personality best.

7. When can I get it?    It should be available later today (Monday) 4.19.2010

Ok on to todays value play...

1. LA Angels -166.....This line isn't a huge value but I and many others in Vegas consider
                                  Dontrelle Willis to be an automatic fade until he proves otherwise.

Value Plays (0-1)

To Your Success,

Tod Wilkinson

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